27 Feb 2012

Israel Attack on Iran: Remembering the Horns of Hattin.

Did you know it is much much easier to enrich uranium from 20% to 90%, than to enrich uranium up from 3.5% to 20%. Time needed is shorter while complexity greatly reduced. European countries such as Germany, Italy and Netherlands are about six months from acquiring a nuclear bomb.
But most don't go that far because it is not necessary. The knowledge a country is on the verge of the nuclear club is enough of a deterrent. Revenge is best served cold even if you need to wait a year to retaliate against an aggressor. Now in the case of Israel rattling its sabres over Iran, who is aggressor and who the unprovoked victim. Does it ever matter.
An attack by Israel against Iran will unleash a torrent of catastrophic backlashes across the middle east, ultimately leading the collapse of the Jewish State. The big player in this scenario is the by product of 20% U-235 enrichment. Depleted Uranium. A high explosive used by US and UK forces in the Gulf War One , Bosnia War, the Bombing of Serbia and the Iraq War.
Back on main street: Russia's Vladimir Putin describes an attack on Iran as
"If it happens the consequences will be truly catastrophic, The real scale is impossible to
imagine. Picture Krakow 2009 
It is interesting that Hezbollah fired off some 3970 rockets into Israel during the 2006 conflict. Essentially they were pretty weak but still terrorised the population. Hezbollah now claims to have over 50,000 rockets. Should these weapons be armed with depleted uranium then Israel has a genuine military problem. Use of Nuclear weapons against a conventionally armed opponent would not be acceptable as well as unwise in such a confined space. Indeed this tiny strip of land had always been difficult to defend for long periods. Most of Israel’s population and infrastructure facilities are within reach of Hezbollah's rockets.
It is only time before the armies of the Islamic states match themselves against the West. Should Israel decide to renounce diplomacy and attack Iran and then the result will be something like the following scenario..
On July 2nd 1187, Saladin, plotted to lure Guy de Lusignan king of Jerusalem into leading his Crusader army from the safety of his defences. So, he lay siege to King Raymond's fortress at Tiberias while the main Muslim army of 30, 000 men remained at Kafr Sabt.
He had calculated he could defeat the crusaders only in an open battlefield rather than besieging their heavy fortifications. Guy de Lusignan, was goaded into this action by the warmonger Raynald of Châtillon during a council of war that evening. The following day Guy marched the Crusader army north towards Tiberias. From the outset they were constantly harassed Muslim archers on horseback.
By noon on that day, the 20,000 strong Frankish army had advanced six miles towards a spring at the village of Turan. There was still some nine miles to Tiberias. With only a half day of marching time remaining, attempts to leave this sure water source while under the constant attack of Saladin's army, would be considered foolhardy. For unknown reasons, Guy set out that very afternoon, marching his army forward.
After the Frankish army left Turan, the Muslims began their attack in earnest. Saladin sent a pincher around the Frankish force seizing the spring at Turan, blocking any Frankish line of retreat. This manoeuvre would provide Saladin with his victory. In the ensuing struggle, the Frankish rearguard was forced to a standstill by continuous attacks, halting the whole army on the plateau at the Horns of Hattin The crusaders were forced to make camp while being surrounded by the Muslims. They now had no water nor any hope of receiving supplies or reinforcements.
Behe ad-Din from that time describes the situation of the Frankish army:............ "They were closely beset as in a noose, while still marching on as though being driven to death that they could see before them, convinced of their doom and destruction and themselves aware that the following day they would be visiting their graves."
On the morning of Saturday July 4th 1187, the Crusader army was totally decimated by the Saladin's Saracens thus ending the Kingdom of Jerusalem and further effective Christian power in the Levant. It had lasted ninety years.